V tejto oblasti a v tejto dobe, by asi gróf Dracula mal menší problém. Obrovské množstvo medvedieho cesnaku na Majdáne. Ešte nekvitne, ale aj tak je to krásny pohľad, hlavne s kulisou čistého potoka, tečúceho krajinou. Nevýhodou bola asfaltka, skoro po celej trase náučného chodníka. Samozrejme ako pre koho, tlupy cyklistov a davy s detskými vozíkmi, by mi za pravdu určite nedali. Keď chceš kľud, určite tam nechoď cez víkend.
In this area and at this time, Count Dracula would probably have a minor problem. Huge amount of bear garlic in Majdan. Still not blooming, but still it is a beautiful view, especially with the backdrop of a clean stream flowing through the landscape. The disadvantage was the asphalt road, almost along the entire nature trail. Of course, as for whom, bands of cyclists and crowds with wheelchairs would certainly not give me the truth. If you want peace, don’t go there over the weekend.