Z cesty R1 smer na Nitru, pri obci Dolná Streda je krásny výhľad na Váh. Chystal som sa už dlhšie detailnejšie pozrieť túto lokáciu … sklamanie bolo naozaj veľké. Brehy posiate plastovými fľašami, igelitovými sáčkami, vo vode pneumatiky, katastrofa a smutno na duši. Mali sme naozaj problém natočiť niečo bez tejto strašnej kulisy. Ľudia z tejto oblasti, to ste naozaj až takí barbari a ignoranti?
From the road R1 towards Nitra, near the village of Dolna Streda is a beautiful view of the Vah. I was going to take a closer look at this location for a long time … the disappointment was really great. Shores dotted with plastic bottles, plastic bags, water tires, disaster and sadness on the soul. We really had a problem shooting something without this terrible backdrop. People from this area, are you really such barbarians and ignorants?