Nikdy nepochopím človeka, čo trhá kvety a konáre stromov, s úmyslom dať si ich doma do vázy. Tieto poklady naplno vyniknú iba na miestach kde sa zrodili, iba tam pretrváva ich krása. Neničte ich prosím, nechajte ich žiť.
Mirka ďakujem za tip …
Kamera, strih a color grading: Stevo Eichenberger
Hudba: Hazy
I will never understand a man picking flowers and tree branches, with the intention of putting them in a vase at home. These treasures will fully stand out only in the places where they were born, only there their beauty persists.
Please don’t destroy them, let them live.
Thank you Mirka for the tip …
Camera, cut and color grading: Stevo Eichenberger
Music: Hazy