Povolebný hnoj, covid – 19 a s ním spojená panika, aj to nás vyhnalo z mesta nadýchnuť sa kľudu a rovnováhy. Naozaj tam skoro nikto nebol. Ani koronavírus, o ktorom konšpirátori tvrdia, že ho USA vyrobili a rozšírili v Číne. V Moskve zas kvôli nemu chytajú túlavé zvieratá a zabíjajú ich. Toto, ale nie je konšpirácia, to je fakt. Zvuk zurčiaceho potoka a spev vtákov nás na pár hodín vzdialil tomu šialenstvu. Veľmi pekná trasa v Malých Karpatoch, ktorú sme testovali prvýkrát. Škoda, že sme sa museli vrátiť domov, do tej tragikomickej atmosféry, v ktorej napr. výrobca piva Corona, stráca výrazne na cene svojich akcií. Dôvod je vám určite jasný. V našom tíme veríme, že táto nepríjemná situácia čoskoro pominie.
Hudba Scott Buckley
The post-election manure, covid-19, and the associated panic, also drove us out of the city to breathe calm and balance. There was hardly anybody there. Not even the coronavirus, which the conspirators claim to have been produced and distributed by the US in China. In Moscow, he catches stray animals and kills them because of him. This, but it is not a conspiracy, it is a fact. The sound of a creeping stream and the singing of birds kept us mad for a few hours. Very nice route in the Little Carpathians, which we tested for the first time. It is a pity that we had to return home to the tragicomic atmosphere in which, for example. beer producer Corona, loses significantly on the price of its shares. The reason is certainly clear to you. In our team, we believe that this unpleasant situation will soon be over.
Music by Scott Buckley