Po roku opäť na chalupe u priateľa Norberta v Lysej pod Makytou – časť Strelenka. Nazbierali sme niečo z lesa (tiež trochu odpadu), spracovali huby ( Bedla Jedlá a iné huby) a navštívili sme aj priateľov zo susednej chalupy Igora a Filipa. Izolovaní od spravodajstva Covid 19 a znepokojujúcich tém od idiotov z parlamentu a vlády, sme intenzívne počas 4 dní nasávali atmosféru tohto krásneho miesta. Znovu sme sa dohodli na dátume zimného natáčania, možno tento rok prinesie do oblasti trochu snehu. Stačí 0,5 m.
Hudba: Scott Buckley
After a year, again at the cottage with his friend Norbert in Lysá pod Makytou – part of Strelenka. We collected something from the forest (also a little waste), processed mushrooms (Parasol mushroom and other mushrooms) and we also visited friends from the neighboring cottage Igor and Filip. Isolated from Covid 19 news and disturbing topics from idiots from parliament and government, we intensely soaked up the atmosphere of this beautiful place for 4 days. Again, we agreed on a date for the winter shooting, maybe this year will bring some snow to the area. 0.5 m is enough.
Music: Scott Buckley