Každý rok vo svete zmizne 2,5 percenta z celkového objemu hmyzu a ak bude ubúdať doterajším tempom, tak za 100 rokov zmizne úplne. Vyplýva to z analýzy uverejnenej v časopise Biological Conservation, na ktorú upozornil britský denník The Guardian. V takom prípade by nastal environmentálny kolaps. Ubúda vyše 40 percent hmyzích druhov a tretina je ohrozená. Hmyz pritom mizne osemkrát rýchlejšie ako cicavce, vtáky a plazy. Markantné ubúdanie hmyzu v prvom rade spôsobuje intenzívne poľnohospodárstvo, najmä užívanie pesticídov, ale prispieva k nemu tiež urbanizácia a klimatické zmeny.
Hudba: Scott Buckley
Every year, 2.5 percent of the world’s insect volume disappears, and if it declines at its current rate,so in 100 years it will disappear completely. This follows from an analysis published in the journal Biological Conservation, which was pointed out by the British daily The Guardian. In that case, there would be an environmental collapse. More than 40 percent of insect species are declining and a third are endangered. The insect disappears eight times faster such as mammals, birds and reptiles. The marked decline in insects is primarily caused by intensive agriculture, in particular the use of pesticides, but urbanization and climate change also contribute to it.
Musik: Scott Buckley