Hneď úvodom treba povedať, že dedina nie je naša, nežijeme v nej ani sme sa tam nenarodili, ale ,,adoptovali,, sme si ju. Je to miesto s géniom loci, náučný chodník na Rokoš, priehrada a studnička, pri ktorej je možnosť usporiadania poriadnej grilovačky – žiaľ v okolí sme zaregistrovali poriadny bordel. Dedina má už najlepšie časy za sebou – Slovač uprednostňuje už iné destinácie, ale stále to tam ako tak žije, hlavne cez prázdniny. Pravdou je, že napr. priestor na priehrade je už prehustený a služby sú klasické slovenské. Možno Dankove poukazy prinesú nejaké oživenie do tejto oblasti. Rudno máme jednoducho veľmi radi a stále sa vraciame … Hudba: Ashamaluev Music
First of all, it is necessary to say that the village is not ours, we do not live in it nor were we born there, but we “adopted” it. It is a place with a genius loci, an educational path to Rokoš, a dam and a well, where there is a possibility to organize a proper barbecue – unfortunately we have registered a pretty mess in the neighborhood. The village has already had the best times – Slovac prefers other destinations, but it still lives there anyway, especially during the holidays. The truth is that eg. space on the dam is already overflowed and services are classic Slovak. Maybe Danko’s vouchers will bring some recovery to this area. We just love Rudno very much and keep coming back … Music: Ashamaluev Music