V Tatrách cez víkend kilometrové kolóny zaparkovaných áut, v teréne invázia turistov, ako keby mali Tatry v pondelok zmiznúť … V Plaveckom Mikuláši na Záhorí parkovali asi tri autá a v teréne sme stretli asi 10 turistov celkom. Jelenia hora je veľmi fotogenický kopec a radi sa sem vraciame. Naposledy to bolo na jar 2018. Opäť sme si to parádne užili. Inak kto by si chcel vyrezať tekvicu, tu je manuál: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba45W…
Hudba: Ashamaluev Music
In the Tatras during the weekend, mileage of parked cars, in the terrain invasion of tourists, as if the Tatras disappear on Monday … In Plavecky Mikulas parked about three cars and in the field we met about 10 tourists in total.Jelenia hora is a very photogenic hill and we like to come back here. The last time was in spring 2018. We enjoyed it again. Otherwise, who would like to carve a pumpkin, here’s the manual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba45W…
Music: Ashamaluev Music