Plán bol isť na Skalnaté pleso lanovkou a potom dole po modrej … kvôli lyžiarom chodník uzavreli. Nie si lyžiar , v Tatrách si druhoradý občan. V každom prípade sme ušetrili skoro 90 EUR. A keď máš psa , nepustia ťa títo dobráci ani do reštaurácie. Tam sme ich mohli minúť …Náhradná trasa bol teda chodník na Hrebienok z Tatranskej Lesnej. Nakoniec sme tam nevyliezli, pretože hore bolo určite veľmi ,,tesno,, a tiež čas pokročil.
Hudba Keys of Moon
The plan was to go to Skalnaté pleso by cable car and then down the blue … because of the skiers closed the trail. You are not a skier, you are a second-class citizen in the Tatras. In any case, we saved nearly 90 EUR .And if you have a dog, these good guys won’t let you into the restaurant either. We could have spent them there. Substitute route was therefore a trail to Hrebienok from Tatranská Lesná. In the end, we did not climb there because it was definitely very tight and the time went on.
Music Keys of Moon