Minulý rok presne 14.2. sme boli v rakúskom Hainburgu. Covid bol veľmi ďaleko od nás, rástli snežienky a iné jarné kvety. A boli sme slobodní. Tohoročná realita je úplne iná. Na Valentína poriadne mrzlo, na naše pomery v prírode kopa snehu a stále sme zavretí v meste. Strávený deň v lesoch bol ale super aj keď sa priestor hemžil ľuďmi rôznych záujmov a s rôznym vybavením. Na Kačíne sme si dokonca dopriali varené červené víno.
Kamera, strih a color grading: Stevo Eichenberger
Hudba: Borrtex
Last year exactly 14.2. we were in Hainburg, Austria. Covid was very far from us, snowdrops and other spring flowers were growing. And we were free. This year’s reality is completely different. It was really cold for Valentine’s Day, to our conditions in nature a lot of snow and we are still locked in the city. But the day spent in the woods was great, even though the space was crowded with people of different interests and with different equipment. We even indulged in mulled red wine at Kačín.
Camera, editing and color grading: Stevo Eichenberger
Music: Borrtex