Strange Spring, čudná jar … aj keď vonku v lese prebieha všetko tak ako má. Stromy obliekajú zelené kabáty, rastie tráva, lietajú čmeliaci,spievajú vtáci, kvitnú prvé kvety. Iba my homo sapiens sme trocha mimo … vírus prebral moc nad našimi mysľami a telami. Prežívame sci- fi v reáliách každodenného života, šokovaní, nahnevaní a vystrašení. Vraj to zvládneme …
Strange Spring, … even though everything is going out in the forest as it should. Trees dress with green coats, grow grass, fly flying, singing birds, blooming first flowers,
beetles running on the ground. Only we homo sapiens are a little off … the virus has taken over our minds and bodies. We experience science in the realities of everyday life, shocked, angry and frightened. We can handle it …