Sú tu s nami skoro celý rok, nikam neodlietajú. Naše vrabce, holuby, sýkorky, straky, vrany, poštolky a drozdy. A určite sú tu aj ďalšie druhy, len tie som ešte ,,neulovil,, Bez nich by tu bolo smutno. Krákanie vrán, štebotanie sýkoriek a vrabcov síce neprehluší zvuk z neďalekej diaľnice, ale aspoň nepočujeme iba tie plechové, hlučné kraksne. Naša operená peruť z Lamača je súčasťou tejto lokality. A dúfam, že to tak ostane navždy.
Kamera, strih a color grading: Števo Eichenberger
Hudba: Bensound
They’ve been here with us for almost a year, they’re not going anywhere. Our sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, crows, kestrel and thrushes. And there are definitely other species, only I haven’t “caught” them yet. Without them, it would be sad. The croaking of crows, the chirping of titmouse and sparrows will not drown out the sound of the nearby highway, but at least we don’t hear only the tin, noisy carcasses. Our feathered squadron from Lamač is part of this locality. And I hope it stays that way forever.
Camera, editing and color grading: Števo Eichenberger
Music: Bensound