Ten čas naozaj rýchlo letí, Chronos jeho vládca, to má pod palcom. Každý deň je dôležitý, nemali by sme ho len tak ,,prežiť,, Naše nite života nie sú nekonečné, nedajú sa dokúpiť, máme iba to, čo nám Chronos vymeral …
Kamera, strih a color grading: Stevo Eichenberger
Hudba: Hazy
That time flies really fast, its ruler Chronos is under his thumb. Every day is important we should not just „survive“ it, our threads of life are not infinite, they cannot be bought, we only have what Chronos measured for us …
Camera, adjustments and color gradation: Stevo Eichenberger
Music: Hazy