Japonskí vedci vraj zistili, že les blahodarne pôsobí na imunitu. Tzv. lesný kúpeľ aktivuje bunky na boj proti rakovine. Treba byť o jedenástej doobeda v lese výsledok sa vraj dostaví … kúpali sme sa tak cca 8 hodín, putujúc Častianskou dolinou, stredom Malých Karpát, trocha bolo veterno, teplota dobrá, homo sapiens žiadny. Škoda, že tie ploty bránia v slobodnom pohybe touto krajinou, ale sme vďační , že úplné obmedzenie – zákaz vstupu, ktorý tu platil tak 3 roky dozadu, je našťastie minulosť.
Prosím balóny do prírody nepatria !
Hudba: Ashamaluev Music
Japanese scientists have found that the forest has a beneficial effect on immunity. Called. forest bath activates cells to fight cancer. It is necessary to be at eleven o’clock in the woods the result is supposed to come … we were swimming for about 8 hours, wandering through the Častianska valley, the center of the Little Carpathians, a little windy, good temperature, no homo sapiens. It is a pity that these fences hinder the free movement of this country, but we are grateful that the complete restriction – the ban on entry that has been in force for about 3 years ago is, fortunately, a thing of the past.
Please, the balloons do not belong to nature!
Music: Ashamaluev Music