Na celý svet sa dívam cez okno
Doma je najlepšie a všade je dobre
Na celý svet sa dívam cez okno
Každý to okno odo mňa žobre
Toto je úryvok textu z piesne Jara Filipa.
Chicago, Paríž a Dillí, Róma síce nevidím, ale vidím iné veci. Hlavne autá, autá a zase autá. Ten hluk je strašný, a neutícha ani v noci. Na protihlukovú bariéru čakáme viac ako 10 rokov a stále nič. Patrím ku generácii, čo zažila na cestách veľmi málo aut. Dnes má bežná rodina v pohode aj 3 železné kraksne … auto už nemá hodnotu.
Teším sa, že z okna vidím belorítky a vrabce, ktoré sa vrátili. Vrany, straky, poštolky a hrdličky. Vo vetvách skáču veveričky a sem tam sa ráno objaví aj bažant. Nechápem ako tu môžu žiť, ale čo im asi ostáva, kam by asi išli?
Hudba: PC III
I look at the world through the window
Home is best and everywhere is good
I look at the world through the window
Everybody’s begging me
This is an excerpt from the song of Spring Philip.
Chicago, Paris and Delhi, I don’t see Roma, but I see other things. Especially cars, cars and cars again. The noise is terrible, and it doesn’t even calm at night. We have been waiting for the noise barrier for more than 10 years and still nothing. I belong to a generation that has experienced very few cars on the road. Today, an ordinary family also has 3 iron crackers … cool car no longer worth.
I look forward to seeing the oranges and sparrows that have returned from the window. Crows, magpies, kestrel and turtle doves. Squirrels jump in the branches and a pheasant appears here and there in the morning. I don’t understand how they can live here, but what do they have to do, where would they go?
Music: PC III